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Humans crave intimacy. It's the deepest emotion that we feel and yearn for. When seeking out the desires of our hearts, things become cloudy from our brains. Our hearts understand unity. Our brains are divided and create illusions that block us from achieving true union within relationships. This starts with ourselves. What we put out is what we will get back. This is with all things... But what does this even mean and how does it work for us in our relationships?

In order to receive the deepest love that we crave we must be willing to receive all messages and light that comes in. This means that we must have the courage to expose the shadowy places that we've hidden even from ourselves. We must ask the questions instead of taking offense and blocking ourselves from growing and receiving all that the universe has in store for us. If our external relationships aren't a reflection of the reality we want to be living in then we need to ask what it is from our inner world that needs to be explored, released and healed so that we can shine out brightest in unity. Only then will err achieve true intimacy.

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