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When the EGO is Dying

Having days that feel extremely uncomfortable is part of the process of shedding the ego. Sometimes it literally feels like we're dying or maybe we even admit out loud that we want to die. When the ego feels threatened it is put into panic mode. Our ego lies in our limbic brain and is in charge of protecting us and keeping us safe. Any time that we are changing our ego goes into a state of anxiousness and may even feel as if the only way out is to flee. There are ways to work THROUGH this and to honor the process. Acknowledging it really helps us move and CLEAR from our cellular memory. This is an opportunity for us to realize that the OLD is moving on and letting go. I have gone through this process myself and I can say that there IS light on the other side of this darkness. There is not always a necessity to KNOW what is being cleared or a reason to attempt to associate the feeling with something outside of ourselves. What we CAN do is find reasons WHY we are here and spend time connecting with our Spirit through meditation, nature, and self-care. Sleeping can give our Spirit a chance to do the things our body is unable to do in these times. Sleeping allows our body to integrate the new rays of LIGHT that are moving the EGO out. There is incredible beauty here and the HIGH ups that are felt are only able to be felt fully when we have completely embraced the darkness. We are here to feel the full array of emotions and the blissful euphoria comes once the ego lets go. It can feel like our skin is crawling and is PHYSICALLY painful from the ego's standpoint. Just remember that there's so much here to still be experienced and we are only at the beginning of this Golden Age. Allowing that feeling to sit with us while still knowing the back of our minds it is just our ego leaving can help in the moment. Our ego is literally screaming I'M DYING right now. We are birthing into a NEW spirit filled being so this WILL PASS. We can speak it out loud to clear it if that's what needs to happen. That's how we KNOW that we are moving THROUGH this. Just like the transition in labor when the baby is about to be born we suddenly feel as if we can't do it but then shortly after we're holding this tiny human. WE are being reborn in this time. We are transitioning!!! Remember the caterpillar feels as if it's dying right before it turns into a butterfly. We are still here now. We chose to be here in this time because we KNEW that we could make this world a better place. We are a gift to this world and each one of us holds a key to unlock another layer of beauty here. We are each a thread in this intricate tapestry that is woven from each of our souls. Be here now. We are ALL here for a reason. Honor the process and be gentle with yourSELF.

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