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As many are aware there are changing times for humanity on the horizin.  In fact we are already right in the middle of the shift.  In these times our conscioussness is expanding and our human aspects are being embodied by our Spirit.  With each passing moment we are being asked to follow our hearts and learn to love in an unconditional way.  This love starts and ends with us.  We must learn to accept all parts of our SELVES and once we do it dramatically shifts our realities.

This space is to provide people with an opportunity to connect to their inner guidance.  I have learned many techniques throughout my journey that have enabled me to reconnect time and again to that small whisper that is given by our hearts.  My desire is to share this gift with others who are ready to embrace the beauty and joy that comes from creating our reality through the Divine.


From My Heart to Yours

Here is a space where my journey of Spirit embodiment is shared.  Messages received, epiphanies made and authenticity is shown to shine the light in the dark places for all to see that we are all unique and perfect in Divinity.  What we love and appreciate in others is what we attract more of into our lives.  Living from the heart in all its vulnerability empowers us beyond our wildest imaginations.    


"I have a lot to look forward to. I feel like I got the confirmation I needed about which path I should go down..."


"As I have begun the journey towards leading a more conscious life, Brigette has been a gentle guide and a strong supporter.  An in-person session with her not only led to a more peaceful, awake state of mind; but also to actual, dramatic relief from physical ailments I had been struggling with for over six months.  It was truly shocking.  She is not there to give you the answers, but rather to help you find the answers you have in your heart and know how to access them, as well as give encouragement and guidance on how to live a more positive, fruitful life. The several angel readings I have had from Brigette were very timely, and helpful in processing emotions and thoughts I had been grappling with.  Brigette’s connection to others is palpable, and I am so thankful that she has helped me to find my own strength and power and to live life truly awake."

Rhea S

"For a long time I had been throwing around the idea of meditation, learning more about chakras, making connections I knew were missing and also journaling . I had no idea where to start. Then along came Brigette. She was my bridge from heart to spirit. My experience with her is something I will carry with me forever. The connections she helped me make, the "tools" she gave me, the openness I felt in my heart, the energy, there was literally an unspoken language. In just a few short hours I became more connected, purposeful and had this new sense of awareness & calmness all at the same time. I was fulfilled. I'm on a whole new journey now. LOVE HER."

Allie M.


I would love to hear from you to schedule an Angel Reading, Soul Massage Session, or if you have any suggestions on topics that would be beneficial to our readers.

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